Boxold Residence, Hawaii Kai

I must admit I was nervous about designing a garden for the President of the Garden Club of Honolulu and her CEO husband! It turns out I need not have been. This kama‘aina couple is so full of aloha, and they were eager to brush up on their food cultivation skills. Maybe I did have something to teach them after all.
July 2018

A Foodscapes dream team

How fun to have clients as plant-loving as Jann and as handy as Greg! I told Greg that his new worm bin should be elevated off the ground. Boom! He builds a perfect platform out of cinder block and wood. Why was I surprised? He had built the raised beds and a whole work bench / storage system next to the garden. He did all the plumbing, too. OK, I wasn’t surprised (but I was just a tiny bit jealous!). They both had the skills to tend their garden but didn’t always have time. We helped with monthly maintenance for the first year, then tapered off to bi-monthly, then seasonal.

Pulling up roots

As much as they love their island home, the Boxolds love their family even more. Their kids were living on the mainland starting families of their own. Time was passing, and the thousands of miles of separation weren’t getting any shorter. In 2020, Jann & Greg packed up a lifetime of memories and joined their ‘ohana across the pond. Lucky the grandchildren who will get to learn from these two special people the builder’s craft, the joy of gardens and the meaning of aloha!